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Bryce Wehrle

2018 Beneficiary

Bryce Wehrle and his wife Antonette have lived in Lynnville for the past 25 years.  They have two sons, Blake (21) and Grant (17). Bryce was raised with his two brothers, Brian and Bruce, in the Taintor home of parents, Norman and Loretta Wehrle.


On January 11, 2018, Bryce was told he had a large mass on his tongue and in the lymph nodes of his neck, which led to his diagnosis of Squamous Cell Carcinoma, a type of head and neck cancer. An aggressive treatment began on March 30. He was faced with seven weeks (35 treatments) of radiation and three rounds of chemotherapy. On September 10, 2018, Bryce passed away at 52 years old.

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